The Blood Curse – Sneaky Peek #3

Dragon Woman 08  Hello all, and welcome to your third sneaky peek of The Blood Curse! 😀

If you read the first book, Tales of Ejoma, one thing you’ll notice in The Blood Curse is the return of a few secondary characters. I’m going to keep this theme throughout the whole series.

In fact, the first half of book 3 (title TBA) takes place during the same time frame as The Blood Curse. When this happens, you might get to see specific scenes from more than one POV as you read through the series.

Could be the next main character’s POV. Or a secondary character’s. Or maybe even a villain’s perspective.

Things to know about secondary characters in book 2 as well as throughout the rest of the series:

  1. If they’re named, you’ll probably see them again at some point. Not all of them. But most of them.
  2. You may see a few main characters from previous books return as secondary characters later on in the series. So you’ll get some updates!
  3. Pay attention to which secondary characters get Standalone chapters at the end of each book. Aside from Bonds in Tales of Ejoma, which I wrote for my friend who passed away, the characters the Standalones are named after *will* have their own book. Not saying when, but it’s going to happen. 😉
  4. Speaking of certain secondary characters eventually getting their own book, the song at the beginning of this post isn’t from the soundtrack for The Blood Curse. Hmmm… Whose story could it relate to? Maybe someone you’ve met already? 😉

Here’s another little scene from The Blood Curse starring a few familiar faces:

“It’s true!” Navin said, nodding. “I even ran up and pushed one of the warriors over.”

“Tell me I misunderstood that.” Lansa looked hopefully to Gajano only to be disappointed by the weary expression on his son’s face.

“You know I couldn’t stop her,” he said defensively. “You know I tried, but it’s just not possible.”

Lansa scrubbed his face with his hands. “Okay. So you ran up to a possible enemy warrior, out in the open where anyone could see you, and just tipped him over?”

“I was stealthy about it!” Navin said, frowning as though she were greatly offended. “And not even a blink or a twitch or a ‘why the shit did you just tip me over?’”

Lansa looked at Gajano for further explanation, but he appeared to be at a loss for one.

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More coming soon!

Until next time, Take Care and Happy Writing! 😀


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