Still Alive, Still Lousy at Time Management

Hello all! Long time no see! It’s time for my annual…okay, biennial post where I promise to try and learn how to use the internet and social media, lol. I also have news on the illusive Book 3!

So, without further ado, let’s have a welcome back dance off, because music is fun and…well, why the heck not?! 😀

First order of business – lol, I’m still very bad at the internet and managing my time. I always want to say I’ll post more, but my son, The Gremlin, usually has other plans. And sadly, so does my lack of attention span, lol.

I’m probably doing this instead, whilst The Gremlin is napping and I should be writing:

With the best possible intentions, I will say I’d like to start posting more. I’m hoping to get a couple movie reviews out there for fun. Some updates on my books too. Some bumbling attempts at marketing, God help me. There may or may not be a podcast thing happening, lol. We shall see. ❤

Speaking of my books though…


I have no cover to reveal yet, since I just started the editing phase and am about to send it to my beta reader, but I can give you some info at least! 😀

First, a recap because it’s been, like, 2 years because of a certain Gremlin, lol. ❤

(Not my personal Gremlin, but a super cute one, none-the-less! ❤ I can’t even, with that smile!)

At the end of The Blood Curse, Ashriel had found his mate, Jillian, and saved them both from Enalel’s clutches. Not all loose ends were tied up, however. Ejoma is still under threat by a deadly new enemy, and the building war is spilling over into one particular small town in the human realm.

Shimana are being abducted for uknown reasons, seemingly at random. Cities in Ejoma are being attacked. The members of the governing body of Ejoma, the Junak, are all at odds with each other because they don’t know who among them may have been corrupted. And all the while, the barrier between the realms is being tampered with in that small human town in Ohio, which could have catastrophic consequences for both realms.

And then there’s the two other men involved in Ashriel’s story, whose whereabouts are unknown at the end of The Blood Curse.

Darenai Leseyra ~ Ashriel’s close friend, who became like more of a brother to him over the centuries. He played a small part in Mayun and Toren’s story, Ascension, in Tales of Ejoma. In the beginning of The Blood Curse, he’s been missing for a month and Ashriel had managed to tie his disappearance to Enalel, a member of the ruling family of Orilia. Through the events of his story, Ashriel learns that Banen’s soul has been ripped from his body for the purpose of some dark magic ritual related to the barrier between the realms. However, Enalel somehow lost his soul, and it’s wandering somewhere in the human realm, detached from the vessel she had prapared to keep his soul tethered to the land of the living.

Banen Otharo ~ Future ruler of Orilia, he was betrayed by his aunt, Enalel, in the beginning of The Blood Curse. Using forbidden slave collars and dark magic, she had the warriors and even the ruler, her own brother, complacent under mind control. With poisonous void creatures at her disposal, the same that served Ejoma’s mysterious enemy, she intended to kill Banen. He barely managed to escape with his life, thanks in part to Ashriel’s assistance. Enalel has been hunting Banen ever since, and he’s been left unsure who he can trust enough to turn to for help.

Now that we’re all caught up, I can tell you Book 3’s hero will be ~ BANEN

(Not my artwork, but the closest approximation of Banen I could find, minus pointy ears. ❤ )

Book 3 picks up during the events of The Blood Curse, right around the half-way point of that book, so you’ll see a little crossover here and there of times he crossed paths with Ashriel, but from Banen’s perspective this time. You’ll also be getting some updates on a few characters who will be having books in the future, some sooner than others. 😉

And after feedback from some friends, I will be adding a character list to the beginning of this book. Lol, it’s totally necessary and you’ll see why. There’s a lot of wandering characters. Maybe a couple secondaries, or perhaps even villains, you should pay close attention to… 😉

****Hint, hint, wink, wink.****

I can also tell you the Dual Realms Series will be 7 books. You may have already met the hero that will end the series. And maybe the heroine. ****A concerning number of hint, hint, wink, winks****

Perhaps I even dropped a tiny hint in Tales of Ejoma? 😉

Any guesses? Anybody who hasn’t found their mate by the end of Book 3 is fair game. ****Sooo many hint, hint, wink, winks****

That character list will come in handy moving forward through the series. Juuust saying.

Ooo, and fun news! I will be at GalaxyCon Columbus! Woo-hoo!

Not sure if the code is still valid, but give it a shot! I’ll be in artist alley with a whole bunch of other awesome vendors!

Come see me and say hi! ❤

I am legit trying to find a seamstress in my area to do a costume of one of my characters so I can cosplay. I’m sooo excited for this!

Alrighty, so that’s it for the new stuff, my friends! Stay tuned for a slightly controversial (although I don’t know why) movie review! And also, Book 3 will be available this fall! Look forward to some sneak peeks as we get closer! 😀

Until next time, Take Care and Happy Writing! 😀


6 thoughts on “Still Alive, Still Lousy at Time Management

  1. disperser says:

    Well, dang . . . glad to hear (read) all that positivity, and glad to hear stuff’s happening and things are getting done.

    Best of luck, of course, and I look forward to the cover reveal.

    • paigeaddams says:

      Thank you! Lol, I am the worst at balancing my time, but The Gremlin is letting me sneak in a little writing here and there. ❤ How's things with you, your writing, and your photography?

    • disperser says:

      Well, I’m currently in a slump for reasons I won’t go into here. Writing slump, that is.

      On the other hand, since 2020, I’ve written a lot, mostly as part of various challenges with two other writers. Probably the best effort was our Alphabet Challenge. If you ever feel like reading very diverse stories, here’s the link to all the stories in that challenge:

      The Alphabet Challenge: links to all of the stories and a bit more

      Then we had the Seven Deadly Sins challenge, and the Title Challene, and we’re now in the Genre challenge. We also occasionally throw in random short stories when one of us feels like writing something.

      As I said, lately I’ve not been contributing much, but I’m feeling the stirring of my writing urge, so I might get busy again soon.

      Thanks for asking.

      • paigeaddams says:

        Those challenges sound like fun! I’ll have to check them out! 😀

      • disperser says:

        I’d ask if you would like to contribute, but you’re busy with a kid and a book on top of everything else. Still, if you ever feel like it, let me know.

      • paigeaddams says:

        Thank you for offering! In the future I would love to! 😀 Lol, right now my goldfish-like memory and lack of time management skills would make it unfair to commit to anything though. I would want to put my best foot forward if I participated. I’ll absolutely keep it in mind though, for when The Gremlin is a little more cooperative with my attempts at writing. XD

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